DAY 1 — Upper back, lower back, biceps,
Upper back —
All four exercises, three sets of
twelve reps
Lower back — Both exercises, three sets of
twelve reps
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Twist stretching is an
excellent way to increase your V-shape.
Biceps — Choose any three exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
Close-grip barbell curls
Cross-body dumbbell curls
Concentration curls
(dumbbell or barbell)
Preacher curls (dumbbell
or barbell)
Incline dumbbell curls
Cable curls
Reverse barbell curls
Dumbbell half curls
Abdominals — Choose
any four exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
Proper diet and
supplementation are crucial to achieving your goals. For the latest info,
Ketogenic Diet by
Lyle McDonald
the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto
Supplements Revealed by
Will Brink
DAY 2 — Legs, calves
Legs — Choose any three exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
Hack squats
Incline leg press
Squat / Smith machine
Lunges / dumbbell / Smith
machine lunges
Standing / Lying leg curls
Leg extensions
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Calves — Choose any two exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
DAY 3 Cardiovascular
training — 60 minutes (Mix it up!)
DAY 4 — Chest, triceps, abdominals
Chest —
Choose any three exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
Bench / dumbbell / Smith
machine presses
Cable crossovers
Incline dumbbell / Smith
machine presses
Incline / flat dumbbell
Pec-deck flyes
Push-ups (various ways)
Triceps — Choose any three exercises, three sets of
twelve reps.
Lying dumbbell extensions
Triceps pushdowns
One-arm reverse pushdowns
Triceps kickbacks
Two-arm dumbbell or
barbell triceps extensions
Dips / bench dips
Abdominals — Same as above
DAY 5 — Shoulders,
Shoulders — Choose any three exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
Traps — Both exercises, three sets of twelve reps.
It is very important that
you take a rest day to let your body recover. Your muscles grow when
they're at rest. Give them a chance. By resting properly and thoroughly,
you avoid overtraining and burnout.
DAY 7 — Cardio Training — Same as above
again at Day 1